But I don’t have a handy photo of a swamp. Since I took this the other day and since I’m feeling like a garlic snapper with the raw garlic I used in tonight’s dinner, this will have to do.
Sorry I’ve been absent but I’ve been so incredibly busy. I had to phone and cancel a delightful, last-of-the-season iced coffee with friends yesterday as well. Now THAT is busy. To top it all off, my dogs are keeping me up half the night and I had a splitting headache all day today. Whine, whine, whine
I’m forging ahead but want you, my faithful visitors, to know I haven’t disappeared … I’ll do my best to get some photos posted soon. In fact, as if I don’t have enough to do, I’m trying to think of a contest that might be worthwhile doing here on my blog. You’ll be the first to know when I’ve come up with something original (hopefully). It’s Alberta Arts days and my friend Karen, the librarian at the Hythe Library has asked if I’d be able to drop off a couple framed prints for Friday’s open house. I have a few in mind — maybe I should post them here once I decide on what I’ll drop off.
Today I dropped off some photo cards a client had ordered and I also delivered some referral cards to past clients for my new referral program. Oh and maybe I should post some of the CD covers I made recently. This rambling, I realize, is not my usual ‘way’ … I’ll be back to ‘normal’ (is there such a thing?) for my next post. Oh, before I head off to bed, one of the programs I was listening to on the radio today posed a question to listeners and it really caught my attention. I’ve been thinking about my own answer so here’s the question: “What do you believe in, that you can’t prove?” Leave me a note to let me know your thoughts — I’ll share mine tomorrow (I hope!) so that I don’t influence your answers.
I love how you’ve turned garlic into art! That is such a cool image. I read these most recent 3 posts in reverse order, so I know that you believe in intuition! Me, too. One thing very specific that I believe is something that happened the day my mom died. She died in the hospital early in the morning. Before I got the call that she had died, my husband and I were awakened by the voice of my then 2 year old son talking in his room. We couldn’t hear what he was saying. Then I got the call from the hospital about my mom. I believe in my heart that her spirit visited my boy, her only grandchild, that morning.
I perfectly understand ‘busy’. I haven’t been here in ages!! Love the perfect simplicity of the image.
I believe in the healing power of forgiveness.
I’ve been super busy too, and I know I need more time to think about the answer to that question! But I wanted to say hello and also tell you that I’ve created a new website! (My old website files got corrupted.) Let me know what you think when you have time….No hurry!!!
Aww…I wanted to see a swamp picture! LOL!
I’d love to see those CD covers, when you get a minute that is!
Busy is good though, right?! All summer I had my sights on September as a time when all my commitments were through and my weekends would be free, but sadly it just hasn’t happened. I’m as busy now as I was all summer; and my weekends are still booked up weeks in advance!
What do I believe in, but can’t prove? That each person we meet, that each experience we have is more than just chance. That there is a purpose and bigger story to all our seemingly random experiences.
It all seems to come together at once, hey, and it’s not even Christmas time yet. Take a deep breath, things always seem to work themselves out.
And the light, oh the light, it is so beautiful this time of year. We need to stop and appreciate that, there is a golden tinge to the light, and everyone, and everything looks so good.
Looking forward to hearing what you believe in, I will have to put some thought into mine.