“If you go down to the woods today you’ll hear birdsong and feel that the world is holding its breath, just waiting for the sunshine.” — Laura Pashby wrote that. Isn’t that a beautiful sentiment? I sure thought so.

Do you ever pause to acknowledge or embrace the countless tiny, private experiences that enrich our day: the smell of the morning air; the steam from your coffee undulating like a cobra; the rays of the sun cascading to the worn rug on the floor, or the soft warmth of the dog lying at your feet.

Most of us really love those effects, and other things like them. But often we don’t connect with those tiny moments.

I am grateful for so many things in my life and do try to be aware of the special moments that are right under my nose, so to speak. The world doesn’t hold its breath for us; it inhales and exhales and inhales and exhales.


As always, thank you so much for your presence.

7 thoughts on “The world doesn’t hold it’s breath for us”

  1. I agree with Lisa. Put a camera in my hand and I remember to slow down and savor the world. I’ve been leaving it behind too often in this busy spring. I think I need to start fixing that.

  2. yes, that is a beautiful sentiment

    the light in each of your images is just fantastic

    it was terrific to take this journey with you, but i didn’t get as tired as Heidi : – )

  3. I just loved this post, Diane.
    To answer your question (Do you ever pause to acknowledge…), much more than I used to, and I truly attribute that to my camera. I consider it such a “win, win” situation.

    Have a wonderful week, my friend!


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