“What makes the farmer’s market such a special place is that you’re actually creating community around food.” — Bryant Terry

Qualicum Beach Farmer’s market. Arriving early.

I hear people who say they don’t buy local because it costs more. That’s often true, but not always. But there is also a very good reason for the slightly higher price tags. To me the price difference falls away when I consider the increase in local employment as well as the relationships that grow when purchasing from people I have gotten to know. Even greater than that, my main reason for supporting locally grown and made products is that I know what I’m getting. I’m not eating food that was grown in contaminated soil, sprayed endlessly with chemicals, nor spent days being shipped after being plucked pre-maturity. In the case of local meat, it’s raised and grown right here, not fed chemicals, injected with pharmaceuticals, but instead they walk on actual grass in natural conditions eating foods they were meant to eat. That’s my way and I realize not everyone agrees and that’s what makes this world interesting.

Taking pride in shopping at my local farmer’s market inspires me to create more in the kitchen.

 {garden fresh and local cheese, above}{cooking wine 😉 + Herf’s Halibut, above}

{above, Local cheese made a couple miles away from cows that graze on real pasture}

The end of a lovely day …

Meet me at the farmer’s market!

3 thoughts on “Shopping on a main street like mine”

  1. It looks like you have a great farmer’s market, Diane.
    We have one here each Saturday, and I try to get there each week in the summer. I love the fact that everything is so fresh, and there is always something different to find.

    Have a wonderful week ahead, my friend!

  2. I have over the past few years become a devotee of our local CSA, which also has a presence at the local farmer’s market.

    Over the past 4 or so years they have gradually added more veggies, a winter greens share, duck eggs (from their own ducks), and chicken (which they raise). Plus they have worked with other local growers and usually have goat meat, pork, and beef available.

    And they share space in their big farm building with a local brewery and co-host Friday night gatherings featuring food from the CSA produce and brewery products…and local musicians from time to time.

    It’s good stuff! And I’m gradually becoming more of veggie eater…including a lot of new-to-me options – kohlrabi, garlic scapes, and acorn squash, and Hubbard squash…yum! Now the beets and the green beans, tho’ beautiful, I will gladly give to someone else… 😉

  3. you’ve taken us on another delightful walk around your town. it truly seems like a wonderful place to call home.

    love, love the radish shot

    love, love, love the lime shot

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