My mom gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, she believed in me.

“The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.” from Mulan, a Walt Disney production.

Lately my confidence has been a little low. I don’t know if the hours of darkness contribute to that feeling, but it’s there and I’ve been unable to shake it. This is not normal for me. I’m usually very positive and optimistic. How has this manifested? With my piano playing. I’ve really been questioning myself, whether I’ll EVER be able to play well, why I’m not progressing anymore, and even considering giving up the lessons.

fallen petals like fallen hopes

Like shaking out a wet towel before hanging it to dry on a clothesline, I’ve managed a few times to shake doubt about my piano-playing and flick it off. Trouble is, I sit down at the piano and the wet spray of doubt covers me again. I’ve come across a few quotes that I thought might help motivate or inspire me. I’ve written a couple of them down. I may even post one in clear view at my piano. That’s really where I need it the most.

“If you don’t give up on something you truly believe in, you will find a way.” — Roy T. Bennett wrote those wise words. I’ll try Roy, I’ll really try.

On an entirely different (and much more uplifting) topic, I’m posting this image of an illustration done by Jessica M Lopez. I thought it was so unique, creative, and lovely all at the same time.


The term “rule of thumb” is said to originate from brewers who would stick their thumb into the mix to see when the temperature was right for adding the yeast.  That claim being made, there are other trades which have claimed to coin that phrase, so its exact origin is certainly not set in stone. And while we’re on the topic of brewing beer, I also learned that beer is the third most popular drink in the world! It comes right behind water and tea.  Plus it is the most widely consumed alcoholic beverage. Huh, who knew?


This is one of the most inspiring people and is obviously a man who I can safely say takes the Martin Luther King, Jr. quote to heart. As they ask at the beginning of the video, “What would you attempt to do, if you knew your success was a certainty?” Obviously Vance’s determination should be enough to get me back on track with the piano.

3 thoughts on “Believe”

  1. Diane, I hope you don’t give up on the piano. It seems to bring you so much pleasure…usually. The pleasure is all that matters.

  2. Interesting blog. I agree with Sherri that it’s the time of year that can make people feel blue. Especially on the island where it is grey and rainy. Unlike the cold sunny winters of Alberta, where even if it’s to cold to get outside, just sitting and reading near a window with the sun shining in makes a person feel happy 🙂 Think you need to take a week or two and head south to “relax the mind” I know I couldnt live on the island for the winter – even the Okanagan has low clouds and grey days. It still something my daughter is not happy with. But she keeps herself busy, unlike us retired people we have more time to sit and think, which can be a bad thing.

    Also think Sherri has a great idea about playing something on the piano you are good at to remind yourself how far you have come! Don’t think that you have to become a great pianist, just enjoy doing it. If it becomes a chore it’s time to leave it for awhile. I’m the same when it comes to painting, I think I can do better but in reality what I have been able to do is pretty good 🙂 and I should be happy with it. I’ll never become a great painter but I enjoy doing it.
    Anyways “kiddo” as you say, take a break, find some sun and be happy 🙂

  3. i absolutely love the images in this journal entry; particularly the first two.

    dreary, winter days are known to change the frame of mind. ohio is a most depressing region to live with so many grey days. after moving to the south and experiencing more sunny days during a year, it certainly helped my frame of mind. however, with climate change, the past few years have given our region grey days and not only i, but others around me are feeling the effects.

    i do have a tip for your piano playing. when you sit down, play something you play very well before you begin learning or practicing. when you finish your practicing, play something you play very well again. it will remind you that you have the ability required.

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