Big, fat, fluffy flakes. A curtain of them, falling so softly and nearly silent. The air imbued with a mix of fragrance both briny and petrichor. Before long, everything was laden with a heavy blanket of snow. That was yesterday.
“The sensation reminds him of the first snow of winter, for those first few hours when everything is blanketed in white, soft, and quiet.” — Erin Morgenstern

But yesterday is gone and so too is the snow. We live near the hem of the sea so, in winter, it’s always a few degrees warmer. Further inland, the snow remains. It’s the most unusual thing — especially for someone who lived over 50 years on the prairies and up north. So today, the sun shines, grass and trees are boasting their vibrant greens.

Speaking of living near the sea. Night before last, one of the neighbours walked over with a bucket in hand. When we opened the door to his smiling face, lo and behold was an offering of freshly caught spot prawns. They’ve shared some with us before so we were delighted to again be the lucky recipients of some fruit de mer. We had already eaten when he delivered the prawns that day, so last evening we ate the entire bucketful.

As we lead up to Christmas, although I do plan to squeeze at least one more post in, I wanted to leave this note with you. I deeply value the comments and stories you share here. Please know that your thoughts and comments motivate me, leaving me feeling like there is a community here who shares many of my interests and values. You are always welcome here and your presence is sincerely appreciated.
Pretty snow scenes. In Olympia, we seldom get snow and it’s usually gone in a couple of days, too.
yes, the quiet of a fresh snowfall is nearly tangible
Lovely. I do remember the fat, wet flakes of snow by the sea. If I don’t get a chance to pop in again before Christmas I just want to wish you and yours a lovely, peaceful, and joyful Christmas.
How fortunate you are to get snow! It really helps establish the romance of the season and the need for fires in the fireplace. Canada is dropping in some cold temperatures tonight through Christmas, but no snow. What a gift to receive these fresh prawns. They look huge and delectable. May you have a Merry Christmas and a healthy Happy New Year! Hopefully a year where togetherness is the norm again.