Anyone who knows me, knows I’m an advocate for writing letters. In fact, I don’t care if it’s typed — though it’s a more fulfilling experience to write by hand. But if typing is your thing, then just do it.

After nearly two months of not having written a letter, I got two sent off this past week. Two things got me inspired. One was simply seeing the last letter I received sitting on my desk all this time, unanswered; the other source of inspiration was buying two new pencils. Yes, buying pencils actually inspired me.

I drove to the nearest city to visit the art supply store and came home with two lovely Blackwing Palomino pencils, one soft and one medium graphite. They felt so good to write with, it inspired me to sit down and write a couple letters.
And then today I saw this simple and lovely prompt from Alexandra Page :
Feeling lonely? Write a letter.
Missing someone? Write a letter.
Peeved at just about everything right now? Write a letter.
Want to cheer someone up? Write a letter.
At a loss for something to do? Write a letter.
Need to get fit and healthy? Walk to a postbox.

I like her advice. Who will you write a letter to?
I’m with Sherri in terms of the pencils. They are works of art. I don’t write letters. I do make cards with my photos on them and hand write those. I enjoy doing that.
I put the letter writing quote on my FB page. I don’t post often. It has been favourably received. I think a few people are going to take it up. Must dash now and get a letter off to my cousin Jane.
i’ve never seen pencils like those and would never have thought a person could write with one. now, you’ve really peaked my interest. definitely the most photogenic pencils as well. love the little bunny paper weight as well. a fine collection of images.