“For the sublime and the beautiful and the interesting, you don’t have to look far away. You have to know how to see.” — said Hedda Sterne.

Beauty is also a frame of mind. I’ve shared this delightful video before and since I watched it again this week, I thought you might like to take a look — it will make you smile.
Something fun recently caught my attention. Music publicist Eric Alper asked the question, “Without saying the city itself, where are you from?” So my first response went something like, Reader’s Digest says, “Welcome to Canada’s Paradise for Seniors” and the name of our village means “Where the Dog Salmon Run” in the Pentlach language. Then after a little thought, I thought maybe he didn’t mean where we are from at this particular point in time. Maybe he meant where we were born, or maybe where we lived most of our life. If I’m thinking of where I lived most of my life then I could have said something like: North America’s largest mall and where Wayne Gretzky played his first 10 years with the NHL.
Care to play along? Without saying the city/town itself, where are you from?
I’m from the salmon capital of the world, back when it was one of twin cities.
That fireplace exudes such warmth as the flames lick the air! Heidi presents such a regal profile pose.
I was born and spent my first four years where standing at the corner of Portage and Main in the middle of winter is a formidable challenge.
that’s a question i often ponder and wish i could answer it in my own mind, but it escapes me. i’ve lived in so many parts of the country and in so many local areas in Arkansas that are cut off from one another by the attitude of its residents, that it is impossible to settle on a definitive answer. i wish i knew because i’d love to go home.
what a beautiful collection of images. if i had a storefront of any kind, i’d have one of those chalk boards. Heidi is so beautiful in your capture here.
I’ll play :).
I’m originally from the Peach State, born in the City of Roses.
I currently live in the Peach State in a city surrounded by agricultural areas with a statue of Ray Charles at it’s center.
Now that’s a nice pup … !