From my home to yours.

"Horticulturally, the month of May is opening night, homecoming, and Graduation Day all rolled into one." —Tam Mossman
a bit of red
evening light – overcast days — evening light
fresh mornings
purple, mauve and blue smiling faces
something new each day
frills and thrills
unique perspectives
exceeded expectations
an abundance of personality
a family of Chickadees on the west side has now fledged
the second resident Chickadee family on the northeast corner have just hatched
nothing to complain about
"And all the world is glad with May" said John Burroughs

To all my fellow Canadians, wishing you all a joy-filled and safe Victoria Day. And to everyone, wishing you the thrills and hope that May brings to us this year.

3 thoughts on “glad with May”

  1. What a splendid medley of photographs showcasing your beautiful floral displays around your residence! Hard to believe May is almost over.

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