For someone who had lived both in the isolation of the country as well as the bustle of the city, you’d think I had a preference for one over the other. I’m glad not to be living in the isolation of the farm, though there is plenty there that I do miss. The reality is that I’m not in the city either — but in a lovely town along the hem of the sea.

I really appreciate the combination of natural and urban sounds in our yard; faint sounds of traffic off in the distance, occasionally a boat can be heard from the other direction, people chatting as they walk or cycle by, an occasional dog barking, seagulls crying and birds singing. Each evening the concert of crickets prevents silence from entering too soon. Sounds of summer have already begun to transition into those of autumn.

Soon there will be the roar of afternoon school buses, children excited and full of chatter on their way home, geese will be flying and calling overhead, the soughing of autumn’s winds, and then the crackle of autumn’s leaves will follow.

Are there sounds around your home or neighbourhood that provide you with comfort or simply make it feel like home?
So funny you wrote about the sounds around the house….this weekend our little town had a three day concert at a park about 2 miles from our house. They played from about 9 in the morning until midnight! It was like it was in our backyard with all the amps!! And they had industrial spotlight spiraling. Chances are good this will never happen again. The neighbors were crazy after 3 days!