Canadians will be very familiar with the stories told by Stuart Maclean, who was a best selling author, award-winning journalist and humorist, plus host of CBC Radio program, The Vinyl Cafe. CBC Radio has been replaying some of his stories on Sunday mornings. Today I listened to one of those stories titled, The Mermaid. Early on in the story he talked about reminiscences and how people of all ages reminisce — particularly if we’re a star in our own story.
I loved that line and it’s so very true. Something that immediately came to mind with that thought was how photographs — you know — the actual physical printed photographs that every family used to have? Well, how those printed photographs are so important no matter who we are, what stage of life we’re at, or what age we are.

Browsing through photographs, whether they’re compiled into a photo album, reproduced in a modern-day photo book, or even a scattering of unorganized photographs plunked into a shoe box or empty cereal box (yes, that’s how many people have kept them), always causes us to reminisce. {by the by, I think keeping them in a box is way better than not having them in print at all}
By not getting our photographs (or at the very least, the important ones) printed, we are preventing our family, children, grandchildren from these important prompts for reminiscing. What better way to recall memories of life events, family members, and other significant occurrences in our lives?

Like being carried on the shoulders of our dad; that broken wrist from being a ‘tomboy;’ those silly days of dressing up or make-believe; that costume mom made causing all our friends to be envious; the first bike (car, pet, tree house, …); summers at the lake; and so many other events worthy of reminiscing.
A few Christmases ago I wrote about how, even in today’s modern age, children of all ages love going through photographs especially if they are the star. In that post, I shared how giving my granddaughters their own personalized photo book for Christmas one year was the best gift!

Photographs Never Forget and How to Get Started Sorting through Years of Digital photographs may be helpful, or at least an inspiration, in getting some of your photographs printed.
Snapshots are meant to be a reminder of moments past. But if we never look at them then why take them in the first place?
Diane Schuller
Wishing you a week of reminiscences and being a star in your own story. — Diane
If you enjoyed this why not share it with a friend or post about it on social media. Thank you for reading and sharing your time with me. — Diane
I am in the process of making some photo books, it is challenging for sure, but also such a sweet walk down memory lane.