Here’s what I plan to do.
All of a sudden, I’ve come up with two separate and distinct plans for this year. After completing and printing my marina project I wasn’t sure what to pick up next for some form of project.

As a result of picking up one of my old analog cameras, loading it with some film, and getting some practice in, you can likely guess that one of my plans involves film. I plan to use it all year as my primary camera, with the digital reserved as back up. We’ll see where it takes me, even if only observations in and around my town. Oh how I love the feel of the old camera, its weight, its simplicity, and then there’s the anticipation of waiting to see the end result.

Number two of my plans is a big one. To have something tangible to show for all the years I’ve been using this online space, I plan to go back to the beginning of this online journal of mine and select all my favourite posts — then put them in a photo book. I’ve already begun and must say it’s going to be quite an involved process. But nothing worthwhile is ever easy.
We can do hard things.
Glennon Doyle Melton
i’m catching up on your blog posts. my husband broke his leg the last time i posted and i was already behind on visiting.
looking forward to your film photos
I look forward to watching these projects unfold!
hmm…I think Peter still has a Fujica ST901. The thing about the oldies , at least where I live, is that no one locally processes film. I think a camera shop in Town might still do it, but that would really be like the old days when I dropped roll in to the local pharmacy and they sent to the city.And going back even further through time’s fogs, colour processing took two weeks! If you caught the chemist in time for him to get it to the post office!
Good luck!
Two worthy projects. My love of photography started in my uni days with a secondhand Nikon FG. It served me well for many years. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Wow! That second project sounds like quite an undertaking after you mentioned last week how long you’ve been blogging. I must say that I have never had an analog camera like a Canon or Nikon, but only those Kodak pocket cameras as a young lad. Not sure I would have the patience. The one thing that I would like to do is try to shoot in Manual mode. I have rarely done it and it would be most beneficial for my sunrise and sunset photos.
Bravo! Can’t where to see where these projects lead. Isn’t it fun to do this just because you want to?