Lately I really have not had an urge to go online. An exception has been a couple times when I needed to turn on the computer so I could seek out some pertinent information on YouTube: how to identify and rid spider mites on house plants; how to fix a dried out fountain pen; and how to create an Excel spreadsheet (for beginners).

I don’t use my phone for ‘scrolling.’ I use my phone when I need to text my husband to pick something up; to make a phone call; and to access the synchronized calendar my husband and I share. Or, when we’re away from home, I turn on the email program. So to go online, I head to my computer rather than my phone.
Because it’s my computer I use to go online, there are far fewer temptations to ‘check things out’ or to scroll endlessly. I find the more time I spend away from the Internet, the less I’m inclined to head to my office for that purpose.
So why am I writing about this, you’re likely wondering? I suppose mostly to share why I’m not visiting blogs as much as I might have and why some of my recent posts have not occurred on a Monday. It’s no big deal, but I know some expect the Monday morning post. Spending much less time online, my experiences this past week have been varied and greater in number.
My first/original piano teacher and his wife stopped by for a visit and spring garden tour. I achieved a significant amount of spring yard work. Did more piano practice than usual and have begun attempting to memorize some music (not an easy endeavour, I’m discovering). Did some catching up on adding keywords to my photos. Enjoyed an afternoon with a few of my book club friends. Watched an elderly man swimming in the frigid waters of the Salish Sea (I was wearing a parka while he was bare skinned!). Observed a large amount of trilliums blooming in the forest (the prolific amount of blooms must be because of all the winter rain). Enjoyed a delicious lunch at a new local restaurant. Generally spent much more time outdoors simply listening and observing. And so on.

Perhaps what I’m saying is that I honour everyone who visits my little spot here on the world-wide-web and want you all to know that, despite not adhering to my usual schedule, I haven’t abandoned this little corner of the web. Also, quite importantly, it’s important for me to spend the vast portion of my days drinking in real life. It is those moments and experiences spent taking in real life that inspires me, enriches me, and fulfills me.
“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand — and melting like a snowflake. Let us use it before it is too late.”
Marie Beynon Lyons Ray
Wishing you all a week ahead filled with real life moments brimming with what makes your heart sing.
Yes, yes to all of this.
p.s. your photos are gorgeous, as always.
more power to you Diane. I love that you are aware of what enlivens you, and are are making the space and time to do it. Love it.
I love the way you are using your phone for, well, only phone things. I know of someone who switched out to old-school phones rather than smart phones for exactly the same purpose: to use phone for phone purposes, and computer for all others. That added layer of friction does help.
One of the things I’ have been doing to add a layer of friction for myself is to leave the phone somewhere where it isn’t easily grabbable by me all the time. That opens up the space for a pause which allows me to ask myself if the phone is what I really want to reach for! I’m trying to use the phone for mostly, listening purposes, texting, calling, and reading. We’ll see how it goes.
Wishing you lots more enjoyment of your life!
As you know, I have reached that moment, too. In my preparation for the move, I’ve brought out my euphonium with the hopes of playing that more often as it brings back many great memories of what once was before getting married. I am intrigued by that lichen that covers the tree trunk, just like bark. I enjoy the simpler times and welcome less time at the computer as new beginnings are ahead for me. Enjoy the week ahead!