Nature has an incredible capacity for regeneration and growth. We see that clearly demonstrated in the season of spring. As Hermann Hesse once wrote, “… life does not await permission to be lived.”

This Mallard drake was used to people so allowed me to get close. I chose not to focus on him specifically to parallel how I was allowing him his space and a kind of anonymity.

In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.
John Muir
i love it when it ‘rains flowers’ as it appears in your one capture. the bathing birds certainly take themselves seriously. bless their hearts.
“I find that a duck’s opinion of me is very much influenced over whether or not I have bread.”
Mitch Hedberg
(Your lovely mallard made me think of this one!)
“Life does not wait permission to be lived…” mmm I can sit with that one for a while as the whole world seemed to come alive today.
And muir is the best.
the light, the light! in the forest comes alive–that pic . . . does something to me, And the mallard duck–what a gorgeous creature. Reminds me of Daisy May Johnson’s How to Be Brave, a wonderful MG book in which the thrive plot revolves around a mallard duck. truly!
A splendid series of photos showcasing Spring’s awakening! If everyone was of the mindset of John Muir, our world would be so much better.