Every business with a product to sell bombards the public with pleas to buy their product(s) during the month of December. Heck, most of them begin hawking their items in November. For me, it’s a bit of a conundrum because I’m not much of a consumer plus not big on buying gifts for gift-sake and feel there is far too much commercialism put on Christmas. The other end of my conundrum is that I feel there are certain instances when gifts truly are in order.
The gifts I always feel are ‘in order’ are hostess gifts, at all times of the year, as well as family birthdays. And when buying gifts for Christmas my personal view is that it should be something the person genuinely needs, or perhaps an experience they’d appreciate, or something memorable and significant, such as photographs. You knew I’d somehow fit in photos didn’t you?
With these few thoughts in mind, I’m sharing links from previous posts of mine (some which are from ages ago) that may give you a couple ideas or get you thinking about what may be more meaningful to the person you are gifting.
- From November 2013, “Host / Hostess Gift Etiquette”
- From December 2021, “Photographs as Gifts”
- From November 2020, “Printed Photographs are Gifts”
- From September 2021, “A Star in our Own Story”
- From The Spruce, “The Best Hostess Gifts That Show Your Appreciation”
If you’re thinking of photographs as gifts, here are a couple places I’ve used that you can check out:
For Photo Books, in particular I love using BLURB. They are located in Canada and the USA though I’ve linked to Canada. They have a discount on right now but you’ll need to get your order in early to be returned before Christmas.
For Prints I often use PIKTO (again located elsewhere besides Canada; my link is Canadian). I would avoid using the box stores or drug stores because the colour quality of prints is poor, but if that’s all you have time for, a photo in print is better than one on the computer (or phone).
What is a gift you’ve received that meant a lot to you or that you were particularly appreciative to receive?
“The palest ink is better than the best memory.”
Chinese Proverb

Some gifts are big. Others are small. But the ones that come from the heart are the best gifts of all.
Tinku Razoria
If you enjoyed this why not share it with a friend or post about it on social media. Thank you for reading and sharing your time with me. — Diane
great design in your layout of photos. very festive appeal.
How great to come across some of your most helpful articles in a “tutorial” post that we can refer to, especially for the links! Thanks for sharing. I want to create a photo book for myself and I was first trying Pikto, but have now looked into Blurb as well.
I’m looking forward to reading your various posts on gift giving. I always enjoy your take on things. I do like using Blurb. And I’m glad for the link to Pikto. My mom has been yearning for a few more family photos to set in frames in her china cabinet, but as you say, most pics are on phones which doesn’t help her.
Wishing you a great weekend.