There are moments in life when we are reminded that we are unfinished, that the story we have been telling ourselves about who we are and where our life leads is yet unwritten. Such moments come most readily at the beginning of something new.
Maria Popova
Certain ideas come to us at the exact time we need them the most. Such is Maria Popova’s quote in her most current newsletter. You see, throughout most of 2023 I was feeling as though my life was stagnating. Yes, I have a renewed energy and health since changing how I eat, but life is more than just the food we nourish our bodies with. Not only have I quietly set my website aside for the past six months, I’ve also mostly set aside my piano playing, regular entertaining, and to a small degree my explorations.
When I read Popova’s paragraph, it hit me like a slap in the face meant to awaken me from my deep sleep.
She’s correct and, although I’m certainly not a stranger at starting new things, I’ve not grown in some aspects that I had begun either. On this final day of 2024, I’ve realized that to begin something new, whether it’s a new project or perhaps a new practice, is a move to stepping away from stagnation. How can any of us know what we’re possible of doing or accomplishing if we don’t embark upon something new and different. I’ve had such a hugely positive example of that very thing since my husband and I completely changed how we eat. We are in much better health, both in small and large ways, and I feel like I’m actually younger!
So on this eve of a New Year I’m breaking the pattern of my life to reconfigure it afresh. As always, my heart is filled with gratitude for all that I have.
Will you be beginning something new? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

A beginning is ultimately an invitation to open toward the gifts and growth that are stored up for us.
John O’Donohue
If you enjoyed this why not share it with a friend or post about it on social media. Thank you for reading and sharing your time with me. — Diane
my mind runs in a hundred different directions with ideas and yet i remain paralyzed to pursue anything new. i feel like time has run out.
I’m still formulating my intentions. Meanwhile, I wish you and yours all the best for this new year, dear Diane, hope it’s a good one!
I intend to take more seriously my lifelong desire to write poetry. I’m not sure what has held me back until now – probably an ocean of not knowing how or where to start. Let’s see what happens if I just dive in!
Happy new year, Diane! I’m glad you’re still here blogging.
I would like to streamline my photography. I hope to take fewer photographs while on vacation or at a particular outing or event. I’d like to take photos like I only have 24 or 36 shots to take like on the rolls of film we bought in the 70’s and 80’s. Not like the memory cards where 1,000’s of photos are taken. This will require better thought on composition before pushing the shutter button. Happy New Year to you and your family! May it be filled with good health, hope, peace and prosperity.