Happiness is a son who shows his mom how much he loves her. Thank you to my dear son who, despite living in another province, made Mother’s Day special for me yesterday and again first thing this morning!
Love to those of us who celebrate mother’s day differently – my heart knows your heart. Happy Mother’s Day to my dear mom — I miss her every day. Although I told her I loved her, and showed her (though could have done more), I wish I had honoured her even more while she was alive.
I love that I can sometimes hear her voice in mine. I hope others can see a part of her in me.
If you are fortunate to have your dear mother still here, I hope you’ll spend time with her and if that’s not possible, to phone her and enjoy a lovely chat and don’t forget to let her know what you love about her. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there.

Funny you should say that about hearing your mother’s voice in yours. Just today I was singing while making the bed and recognized her voice in mine. I don’t think it sounds like her from the outside, but from the inside, yes, I can hear it!
Happy Mother’s Day, Diane! A beautiful charismatic smile you’ve shared with us.
We just returned from my parents’ house where we celebrated her special day after bringing a homemade brunch casserole. The weather was perfect and sunny.