I feel photographs and other art is meant for everyone to view which is why I am willing to post my images online. BUT, I feel very strongly that if you wish to use any of my images, you should do the right thing. It’s simple and here’s how:
The work on this website by Diane M Schuller is All Rights Reserved with full copyright to Diane M. Schuller. I reserve all rights provided by copyright law, such as the right to make copies, distribute this work, license, or otherwise exploit the work; no rights are waived under this license.
- Permission: I am quite a reasonable person and if you contact me and let me know what purpose you have in mind for using one of my photos, I am likely to extend permission for you to do so. But you do need to ask.
2. Attribution: You can share, copy, use an image I have provided permission for but it CAN NOT be manipulated in any way. Attribution MUST be given by using, “photograph by Diane M Schuller” along with each image. {I would appreciate the courtesy of sending me a note to let me know where it appears (easily done by using either “contact” method on this website).
Thank you kindly for doing the right thing.